Overview Adjusting your ‘hosts’ file allows you (just you) to override the DNS for a particular...
CHECK THAT YOUR NAMESERVERS WERE SET CORRECTLYIf you're having issues with your site, and can't figure out what's going on, it's often best to...
CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHEThe browser's cache temporarily stores images, scripts, and other parts of websites you visit in...
CREATE A LANDING PAGE OR ONE-PAGE SITEAlso known as a landing page or an under-construction page, a one-page site is the perfect...
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CPANEL AND WHMThe Web Host Manager (WHM) is the account management panel that allows the hosting provider to...
General Info & Getting StartedWelcome to Greenix360! Congratulations on signing up for a hosting account with us. Step 1:...
LEAVE YOUR OLD HOST AND MOVE TO GREENIX360Some Pre-Move Tips There are a few things you need to think about as you prepare to leave your...
LOG INTO WHMWhat is WHM (Web Host Manager)? Web Host Manager, or WHM, is a powerful program that allows...
LOGIN URLS YOU NEED TO KNOWBelow are a list of some of the most important login URLs you will need to manage your domain and...
MAKE A SCREENSHOT/SCREEN CAPTUREWhen you encounter an issue and get in touch with us, sometimes it's hard for us to replicate or...
PORTS USED FOR CPANEL, EMAIL, WEBThe following is a list of commonly used ports that that we use here at Greenix360. cPanel...
PROBLEMS LOGGING INTO CPANEL, WHM OR WEBMAILIf you're having problems logging into cPanel, WHM or webmail, there may be a firewall in place...
PROPAGATION TIMESPropagation is the process of updating a domain with new nameserver (DNS) information across all...
RESET YOUR CUSTOMER AREA PASSWORDIf you're having issues logging in to your Customer Area and need to reset your password:...
WHAT IS A VPN?A VPN is a virtual private network. It enables a computer or network-enabled device to send and...
WHM OVERVIEWWhat is WHM (Web Host Manager)? Web Host Manager, or WHM, is a powerful program that allows...
YOUR HOME DIRECTORYOur hosting is Linux-based, so your home directory is the entire directory which includes your...